Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I know this isn't exactly renovation related, but this week we decided to attempt to build a bed...from scratch. On Monday, we headed out to Home Depot to procure the lumber and other assorted necessities to attempt the feat. As an added bonus, I got the go ahead from my lovely future wife to buy myself an air compressor so that I can use air tools (thank you babe!). Between Tuesday and yesterday, we turned this pile of lumber...
into this headboard...
and this foot board...
Last thing that needs to be built is the frame, and then paint before the project is complete. Suffice to say, playing with pneumatic nailers, chop saws and drills to turn a pile of wood into something that looks passable as potential furniture has definitely gotten the testosterone flowing. All I need now is charred meat and explosions to throw me into full fledged, mono-syllabic grunting, knuckle dragging, neanderthal man regression. You'll know the transformation is complete when my next post says simply, *grunt*....

Friday, May 4, 2012

Here comes the sun?

Can someone....anyone....please tell me where in the hell the sun is? We were getting 80 degree weather in March, but we can't break 70 degrees in May? What gives??? Are you listening Mother Nature? Ok, I think that should just about do it for my rant for today. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!