Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year all! We've been in possession of the house for 5 days now, and much work has already begun. Home Depot has become almost like a third home for us (since the first home is the apartment, and second is the house currently). I've never seen money disappear so quickly before in my life!

So just to keep you all informed, so far the following has been started:

  1. Garage door openers have been unpacked and partially assembled. For the record, if the assembly required a certain screw, wouldn't you think it would be included with the assembly hardware? Needless to say, a trip to Home Depot was required to procure the appropriate screws.
  2. Ceiling in the family room has been painted. Now a determination has to be made regarding what to do about the existing track lighting in that room. It's heinous.
  3. Vinyl flooring in the kitchen has been pulled up. This project is turning out to be our first surprise. The adhesive and felt backing on the vinyl did not come up with the rest of the floor, and upon our inquiring at Home Depot whether there was a solvent that would take that up, we learned that we will never fully get it all off the floor, which will cause problems when putting down the new vinyl tiles. What we're going to have to do is lay another thin layer of plywood over the existing sub-floor. I have a friend coming tomorrow to help me get that done, so the major project for today is to get the kitchen and adjoining hallway painted.
  4. In order to at least like we got something accomplished, we've nearly completed painting the half bath. There's one section of the wall above the sink that still needs to be painted because we had to spackle yesterday. Today will be sanding and painting, then the light fixture will be changed out as well as the faucet. It's going to look KILLER when done!

We have taken before pictures of every room in the house, but I haven't had a chance to upload them yet. I'll try to get them up here as soon as possible, as well as an after picture of the half bath.

Much to do today, so we're off to go put in our work at the house. Wish us luck!

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