Saturday, April 28, 2012

Yardwork, part deux

We had a nice sunny, breezy day to get some yardwork done, and finally had the chance to break out the new riding mower!  The lawn is mowed, the poor neglected perennial bed is about half cleared out, and a volunteer pine tree in a bad place has been cut down.  We still have to finish clearing out the rest of the bed (mostly involving fighting with an awful mixture of multiflora rose and wintercreeper), kill the few sprouts of poison ivy we've seen popping up here and there, and somehow figure out how to scrape up all of the crushed rock and sand from the old pool base so we can restore the grass there.  That's just the back yard - in the front, we have to do some revamping of the existing gardens, and we also need to figure out our sump pump discharge that is still flooding into the street (despite extensive discussion with the basement waterproofing company, we don't have a good solution yet).

Who wants black-eyed susans or hostas?  We're sort of drowning in both at the moment, and would be happy to rehome a few...

1 comment:

  1. The best part was when I almost lost the new tractor to the quagmire which was our front lawn (thanks to said water discharge from the sump)....
